6 Amazing Tips to Get Thick and Beautiful Hair Naturally

Thick Hair

Having thick, shiny hair can boost your attractiveness by at least 30%. On the other hand, thinning and lifeless hair can make you appear less attractive.

We are capable of rapid transformation. If you give the body a chance, along with the necessary elements and time, it will heal and rejuvenate itself.

Follow the steps below to achieve naturally healthy, thick, and shiny hair:

1- Increase your Zinc consumption.

Zinc is the most essential mineral for thicker, healthier hair. When you are stressed, your zinc reserves deplete. Zinc is lost when you do not eat a healthy diet. 

Some people lose more zinc than they consume. It is very easy to become deficient in this critical mineral, and it is extremely difficult for some people to overcome the deficiency.

2-Use cold water to wash your hair.

Washing your hair with cold water not only thickens it but also makes it shiny. Test it out for yourself. To see the difference, wash your hair with hot water one day and cold water the next. Washing your hair with cold water on a regular basis will improve its appearance.

3-Protein Intake (Amino Acids)

Certain amino acids are beneficial to the health and beauty of the hair. Amino acids are also necessary for hair growth, such as Cysteine, Cystine, Arginine, and Taurine.

4-Biotin (vitamin B7)

Use shampoos that contain biotin (vitamin B7). Biotin not only promotes hair vitality but also reduces hair dryness. You can also try the supplement form, but using a biotin-containing shampoo should be enough for some.

5-Avoid using a hair dryer.

To achieve the best results, simply dry your hair with a towel. The use of a hairdryer weakens and thins your hair. This produces a soft but dull appearance. Stop using it and simply towel dry your hair to see how it looks.

6-Get Enough Sleep

Sleep deprivation has an impact on both your health and your appearance. It saps your energy and reduces your productivity. When you don’t get enough sleep, your hair looks thinner and lifeless.

You tend to lose more hair during sleep deprivation. I have done two different experiments on this subject. If you take steps to improve your sleep quality, your hair will look healthier and stronger.

I hope that implementing the mentioned steps will improve the appearance of your hair. With a healthy lifestyle and adequate nutrition, you should see improvements over time.

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